The role of those serving on a local governing body is and important one, ensuring that there is a local accountability for the performance of the trust and the academies, and that the academies serve their communities. Those serving on a local governing body are accountable to the trust and must ensure that at all times they act in good faith and in the best interests of the academies and the trust, exercising reasonable care and skill, having a particular regard to personal knowledge and experience.
Meet the Brinsworth Manor Junior School's Governing Body.
Mr C Watson, Chair of Local Governing Body Leadership Capacity Mrs K Bowler , Parent Governor Curriculum Design and Delivery Mr A Gillott, Co-opted Governor Pupil Attendance and Behaviour Mr Billy Fallon, Head Teacher |
Who are we?
The Governing Body at Brinsworth Manor is made up of 3 Governors (plus the Headteacher) who are committed to the school’s aims and vision. We work in close partnership with the school leadership team, the multi-academy trust, staff, pupils and parents to enable children to achieve success and to prepare them for the opportunities and experiences of adult life within a culturally diverse, ever changing, society. The Governing Body is made of members from different groups such as parents (current vacancies), staff, the wider community and from other educational settings. Individual governors bring their own experiences and expertise to the governing body and we aim to use their skills to the benefit of the school. What is our purpose? The governing body has a number of responsibilities which have to be exercised in partnership with our Trust, Head Teachers and staff. Governors should not intervene in the day-to-day running of the school. The governing body supports and leads on the following areas:
Governors are supportive and challenging within our school setting. How is the Local Governing Body organised? The governing body must appoint a chair and vice chair. Duties are carried out by the full governing body but others can be delegated to nominated governors. Governors have been given specific areas of responsibility such as SEND, Safeguarding, inclusion, Pupil Premium, Mental Health and well-being and Physical Education. White Woods Primary Academy Trust - Members and Directors White Woods Primary Academy Trust - Scheme of Delegation The Scheme of Delegation explains the ways in which the directors fulfill their responsibilities for the leadership and management of the academies, the respective roles and responsibilities of directors and members of the LGB and the commitment to each other to ensure the success of each academy within the trust.
Governance Handbook
Register of Business Interests |